Untitled Document


Shopping Shania Stuff


Beginnings (November 1999)


The Woman in me CD (February 1995)

Star Profile (November 1999)

No picture Avaiable but an Editorial Review written by Shania:

"Thank you to all of my fans!
This recording was a lot of fun and because of all of you music lovers it is selling like crazy and I would just like to say thank you very much and I hope I can make to your town when I come on tour again which is hopefully in 2001 i hope to see you all there. Love, Shania Twain"


Interview (December 1999)

No picture avaiable



Why Amazon ??

'cause there's no better service on music and videos







Shania Twain Live (1999) DVD

Shania Twain Live VHS

Come One Over (1999)

All videos from the album that sold over 20 million copies.

Complete woman in me

All videos from album, this sold over 10 million.


Behind the music: Shania Twain
















Shania's Biography
Shania's songs lyrics
A lot of merchandise you can have !!!!
Links for more Shania